Thursday, August 30, 2007

One down. One hundred seventy-nine to go.

School today was nothing short of ridiculous. What else could one expect, though? It is the first day.

My alarm went off at 5:30, and I hit the snooze button four times before finally getting out of bed to get ready for the day.
Anyway, Allie and I got to school, and we wandered around for a while before the bell rang and we were late to first period... Whoops. Into to theater. This class, taught by a woman who helps run the school theater department, has a total of eleven kids in it-soon to be ten, as one is dropping it. Most of them are freshman and seniors, Allie and I being the only sophomores... Go us.

The school decided to do something new this year-an introduction ceremony at eight in the morning with a bunch of high school kids. Who was the brilliant one to think up that one? It was a monumental waste of time, not to mention hot and crowded. Anyway, after that was finally over, we made our way to second period, went on to third, blah. The rest of the day went by painfully slow.

FINALLY. Home time. I was supposed to go take a drug test for a job I now have, but they realized that they are not allowed to give me one because I'm a minor. Can you say score? Not that I'd fail it, anyway-I just really didn't want to do it. I work ten to twelve hours a week, earning $7.50 an hour, with a quarter raise in March, plus, insurance if I'm still working there when the one my parents have set for me expires when I turn twenty-one.

And now... homework. Mehness.

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