Monday, September 3, 2007

Random and Short

And so I return from my weekend away.

Nothing of interest to say about it, except the fact that my three-year-old cousin showed me how she could breast feed her doll. That was nothing short of interesting.

This kid walked up to my older sister and I when we were standing and talking on Sunday, and he says, "My friend is looking for a girlfriend. Do either of you have boyfriends?" I just sort of gave him this look, but my sister laughed and said, "How old are you?" "I'm fourteen." She laughed again and said, "Way too old, buddy. Go find someone else." "Well, how old are you?" "Twenty-one." "...Oh." He sort of gave me a hopeful look, but I just turned away. It was pretty funny.

Hmm.... What else? I have homework to do today that I put off all weekend, even though I had two, three-hour car rides to do it in. Procrastinator! But we already knew that.

I'm gone. *waves and skips away*

1 comment:

Kirstin said...

...You really are a bad procrastinator. I think you just surpassed me, and that is saying something. in awe.*hugs*