Thursday, February 21, 2008

Last Weekend

Life has become increasingly busy for me over the past few weeks. The thing is, though, that I have picked up nothing new, and I'm doing nothing more in anything I've done. Explaination? I'm getting more into things, and getting happier with them as I do so. It used to be like almost a daily motion, but now, I actually realize what I'm doing. It's almost like waking up again.

But why has it felt that way for me? Well, winter almost always does this kind of...for lack of a better word, thing to me. Like I have issues doing everyday things, and I dread things even more. But that point has passed for the time being, and I'm extremely happy it's gone.

Last weekend was amazing, just completely so, and it all started on Thursday night, actually. Thursday night after I got home from the barn, I trecked over to Allie's house so I could spend some time with her on her birthday. We watched Across the Universe, and made the general rounds we do at her house. I had given her her present when we got to school that morning-100 sticky, glow-in-the-dark stars and tickets to see Making April in March [!!!]-so we pretty much just hung out there. Then I went home, went to bed,a nd it was time for Friday. Well, Friday at school was pretty uneventfu, but that night we met our friends at the school and saw Shakespeare Abridged ENCORE. On Saturday night, Allie and I met up with some friends at a resteraunt, hung out there for an hour and half, then went to Walgreens-in dresses and heels, no less, in the snow, then went to the school for the dance. There are some pretty...bad pictures of us there, but we had fun, and every single last one of us was sore the next few days. On Sunday, I had to work, but when I got off, Allie and I went to our friend Carrie's birthday party, and we bowled until midnight, then finally went home and crashed. Monday, we had the day off, and all I did was work on a progect for three hours with Allie, and then reward ourselves with a movie for actually working. We got caught in a white out coming home. Not fun.


bye. =]

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