Sunday, March 30, 2008

That's Right.

License? Have it.
Braces? Off.
Writing? Working on it. I have a few chapters written and little snipits-which is good, because it's as far as I've ever gotten in writing... Also working on something with Allie, but that's just for fun.
Aendraste? Keiran's amazing. And I'm finally working on another character.
Life? is good.
School? Is back in session.
People? Are pretty much all right at present. The only person I cannot tolerate is a girl who sits at our lunch table. Or, I guess I'm really sitting at their lunch table, as I came this semester. But she doesn't like me for some reason that I can't exactly point out.
Twende? Is my lovely horse....who is losing his hair, and it isn't just shedding. It's falling out. Don't ask...long story, but it should start growing in again now.
Work? Is as bad as usual. I don't know what it is about that place and its ability to completelty stress me out and make me nervous. I want to quit and go somewhere else so badly, but I love, love, LOVE the people I work with, and I don't want to leave them. It's the coustomers I can't handle.

So, everything is pretty good, and I hope it stays like that. There's something nagging at me, and I can't quite place it. It feels wrong, but I don't know how to tell what it is and I have no idea what to do about it. Sometimes I feel like I'm anxious or panicky for no real reason at all, and when I try to think about why I'm feeling like I'm so tense, I can't think of why, but I also can't relax.

It feels like something is building up... But I'm so extremely paranoid that that is probably what it is... But I don't know. Nothing to do but take it as it comes, right?

OH, you should check this out. Sometimes I have too much fun with random stuff, and I really, really love this.

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