I don't want to have to deal with everyone's little attitudes that have been going around lately. I haven't exactly been Miss Peachy lately, but I'm not thrusting my issues on you by yelling at you for trying to help me, delaying a study date for TWO HOURS for no reason and NOT TELLING ME ABOUT IT, acting jealous because hey, Jeni has a crush for the first time since she was thirteen years old, etc etc.
Just leave me alone for a little while, please. I'm tired of all the whiney, angry crap that people are throwing at each other and myself, and I'm not going to put up with it for much longer. Take a breath and chill, people. Sometimes life sucks. We all know it, so stop taking it out on me.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
so, I did this back in 2007, and I decided to do it again, just to see how much has changed.
1. What's a commonly used nickname people call you by? Jeni
2. What's your favourite color? Silver
3. What's your favourite food? Mashed Potatoes.
5. What's your favorite animal? Lion.
6. Biggest pet peeve? Spelling errors in books.
7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Anywhere and everywhere,
8. Do you cry easily? No.
9. Do you generally have a good, loving family? Yes.
10. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
11. Do you have many phobias? Just the one-needles.
12. Favourite genre of music? Anything that sounds good.
13. Are you a trendsetter, a trend follower, or do you dress originally? Originally, I suppose.
14. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Yes.
15. Do you like school? Right now, I'm all right with it.
16. Are you known to spend your money quickly? No.
17. What time is it right now? 11:43 pm
18. Are you on the computer a lot? Not anymore.
19. Pet hermit crabs- a good thing or a bad thing? If that's what you like,
20. Leftie or Righty? Right handed when I write, everything else I do with my left.
1. Do you have any scars/stretch marks, etc? What kind of question is this? Everyone has scars.
22. Do you have dull elbows or pointy elbows? Pointy.
23. Timmies or Starbucks? Timmies every time.
24. Do you have any sleeping problems? Itsometimes I have really big issues falling asleep and staying asleep. Actually, this is pretty frequent.
25. Are you a shy person? I can be.
26. Are you a gift-giver? I love giving gifts. (:
27. Warm or cold? Cold.
28. Do you like meeting new people? I'm better than I was, but I don't really like to do it, still.
My conclusion?
I'm a much happier person now than I was in 2007. I've had a lot of rough patches to work through, but I'm so, so much better off now than I was even a year ago.
1. What's a commonly used nickname people call you by? Jeni
2. What's your favourite color? Silver
3. What's your favourite food? Mashed Potatoes.
5. What's your favorite animal? Lion.
6. Biggest pet peeve? Spelling errors in books.
7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Anywhere and everywhere,
8. Do you cry easily? No.
9. Do you generally have a good, loving family? Yes.
10. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
11. Do you have many phobias? Just the one-needles.
12. Favourite genre of music? Anything that sounds good.
13. Are you a trendsetter, a trend follower, or do you dress originally? Originally, I suppose.
14. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Yes.
15. Do you like school? Right now, I'm all right with it.
16. Are you known to spend your money quickly? No.
17. What time is it right now? 11:43 pm
18. Are you on the computer a lot? Not anymore.
19. Pet hermit crabs- a good thing or a bad thing? If that's what you like,
20. Leftie or Righty? Right handed when I write, everything else I do with my left.
1. Do you have any scars/stretch marks, etc? What kind of question is this? Everyone has scars.
22. Do you have dull elbows or pointy elbows? Pointy.
23. Timmies or Starbucks? Timmies every time.
24. Do you have any sleeping problems? Itsometimes I have really big issues falling asleep and staying asleep. Actually, this is pretty frequent.
25. Are you a shy person? I can be.
26. Are you a gift-giver? I love giving gifts. (:
27. Warm or cold? Cold.
28. Do you like meeting new people? I'm better than I was, but I don't really like to do it, still.
My conclusion?
I'm a much happier person now than I was in 2007. I've had a lot of rough patches to work through, but I'm so, so much better off now than I was even a year ago.
It's been two years, and I thought I forgave her a while ago.
But now I know there will always be a little part of me who hates her. All it takes is a bit of memory to trigger it, and I realize that while I never want to be her friend again, I want to know what goes on in her life.
I miss her.
And this is the only place I can admit to that. It's what she doesn't know I have, this blog. And I don't want to tell anyone else.
I hate her, but I miss her. So much. But it will never be like it was...
Because she betrayed us, and for that, I forgive her, but I still hate her.
Because 13 years of friendship should have meant more to her than that. She shouldn't have dumped us and jumped on the pieces. She should have grown up and stopped being such a child. Not everything is an insult to you, you know.
You just thought it was.
But now I know there will always be a little part of me who hates her. All it takes is a bit of memory to trigger it, and I realize that while I never want to be her friend again, I want to know what goes on in her life.
I miss her.
And this is the only place I can admit to that. It's what she doesn't know I have, this blog. And I don't want to tell anyone else.
I hate her, but I miss her. So much. But it will never be like it was...
Because she betrayed us, and for that, I forgive her, but I still hate her.
Because 13 years of friendship should have meant more to her than that. She shouldn't have dumped us and jumped on the pieces. She should have grown up and stopped being such a child. Not everything is an insult to you, you know.
You just thought it was.
Friday, December 5, 2008
I went to a Journalism Conference at a campus near where I live today... If you don't know, I write for my school paper, and I love it. The people, the writing, knowing the information, the food...everything. My first story was about two new music venues opening up in my city, the second was about a club at school, and the one I just wrote is about President-elect Obama's appointments. I chose to write that one because a) it was the better of two options because I was sick the day we got our first and second choices, and b) I felt that I could just deliever the facts without being biased.
You know what? I did it. (: You can't tell what I think in it at all...although most already know how I feel about, the people on the staff and some friends outside of it, anyway. That's my life. Allie and I are on running crew for the Complete History of America, Abridged with a great group of people, and I'm so excited for it. I'm not doing stage crew for the rest of the plays this year-I need to start getting Twende [and hopefully a Western Pleasure horse of my trainer's] ready for show season.

That's my baby. (: Twende Haraka - six-year-old Thoroughbred, ex-racer.
I went to a concert in October... Family Force 5... OH my. I'm pretty sure that was the most fun I've ever had at a concert. Second row, heck yes. (: It was amazing.
Hm... Nothing else to talk about, I think...
Kirstin-call me...text me... I miss talking to you. ):...(:
You know what? I did it. (: You can't tell what I think in it at all...although most already know how I feel about, the people on the staff and some friends outside of it, anyway. That's my life. Allie and I are on running crew for the Complete History of America, Abridged with a great group of people, and I'm so excited for it. I'm not doing stage crew for the rest of the plays this year-I need to start getting Twende [and hopefully a Western Pleasure horse of my trainer's] ready for show season.

That's my baby. (: Twende Haraka - six-year-old Thoroughbred, ex-racer.
I went to a concert in October... Family Force 5... OH my. I'm pretty sure that was the most fun I've ever had at a concert. Second row, heck yes. (: It was amazing.
Hm... Nothing else to talk about, I think...
Kirstin-call me...text me... I miss talking to you. ):...(:
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I'm a don't read if you don't want to.
Have you ever stopped to think how much EASIER life would be if we didn't care about politics?
I am not even old enough to vote. I know the issues, know what I stand for, know WHY I stand for them. And I had to watch it all unfold in my living room.
The good thing? We get another try in four years. Considering there's a United States of America in four years time.
Obama has my respect because of his position, and I will stand behind him because unlike some people, I am always proud to be an American.
I don't have to LIKE the guy, I just have to accept it and stand behind him and respect him.
Not that a lot of those who left Bush in the dirt even pretended to stand behind him or respect him in the least.
But I'm above that.
So I guess I'll just deal.
I am not even old enough to vote. I know the issues, know what I stand for, know WHY I stand for them. And I had to watch it all unfold in my living room.
The good thing? We get another try in four years. Considering there's a United States of America in four years time.
Obama has my respect because of his position, and I will stand behind him because unlike some people, I am always proud to be an American.
I don't have to LIKE the guy, I just have to accept it and stand behind him and respect him.
Not that a lot of those who left Bush in the dirt even pretended to stand behind him or respect him in the least.
But I'm above that.
So I guess I'll just deal.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Mother Nature Stuns Ohioans
Remember Hurricane Ike ? I should hope so. It hasn't been that long ago. It hit Texas, yeah? Well, in case you are geographyly-challenged, here is
and here is
See the distance there? Remember that for a second as I tell you that Ohio got hit with what would be considered a level one hurricane on the coast. Remember the distance?...HOW does that WORK?
on Sunday, all day, we got hit by fierce winds, which knocked down trees, power lines, small children, and of course, the tomato plants out back. Our tree, which is sort of diseased and needs to be taken out but it is a lot to do so, had a limb fall off and fall not the right way, which would be into the yard, but right into our deck and my brother's window. Great. My neighbor's tree's branch broke off and fall into the sidewalk leading up to his house. He moves his cars from his driveway, and not twenty minutes later, the rest of his tree falls into the driveway. How's that for luck?
Being Ohioans, we never, EVER see anything like this. Example: There was a tornado siren going off in the spring/early summer. What was the very FIRST thing my family did? Went on the front porch to watch the storm. Now, in hurricane-like winds, what did we do? Go walk around the neighborhood, of course! I have never seen so much of my neighbors as I did on Sunday when we were all outside in the wind. I mean, this is saying something because I NEVER see any of them... Or talk to any them. But yeah.
It knocked out power to almost 300,000 people in my county alone, thankfully we only lost internet and cable [and power for like... a half hour] for two and a half days, because some people STILL don't have their power back. It also cancelled school for two days.
In all honesty, folks, it was quite amazing. I loved it. We even got to watch a hundred year old tree fall over because of the wind.
We never see these things, and now I can say to everyone I know, "I have lived through a hurricane."
and here is
See the distance there? Remember that for a second as I tell you that Ohio got hit with what would be considered a level one hurricane on the coast. Remember the distance?...HOW does that WORK?
on Sunday, all day, we got hit by fierce winds, which knocked down trees, power lines, small children, and of course, the tomato plants out back. Our tree, which is sort of diseased and needs to be taken out but it is a lot to do so, had a limb fall off and fall not the right way, which would be into the yard, but right into our deck and my brother's window. Great. My neighbor's tree's branch broke off and fall into the sidewalk leading up to his house. He moves his cars from his driveway, and not twenty minutes later, the rest of his tree falls into the driveway. How's that for luck?
Being Ohioans, we never, EVER see anything like this. Example: There was a tornado siren going off in the spring/early summer. What was the very FIRST thing my family did? Went on the front porch to watch the storm. Now, in hurricane-like winds, what did we do? Go walk around the neighborhood, of course! I have never seen so much of my neighbors as I did on Sunday when we were all outside in the wind. I mean, this is saying something because I NEVER see any of them... Or talk to any them. But yeah.
It knocked out power to almost 300,000 people in my county alone, thankfully we only lost internet and cable [and power for like... a half hour] for two and a half days, because some people STILL don't have their power back. It also cancelled school for two days.
In all honesty, folks, it was quite amazing. I loved it. We even got to watch a hundred year old tree fall over because of the wind.
We never see these things, and now I can say to everyone I know, "I have lived through a hurricane."
Friday, September 5, 2008
New School Year
I started school on the 28th of August. My schedule;
1. AP Environmental Lab
Yes. A lab the VERY first thing in the morning. So far, we haven't done a thing,but the up side to this is that I get to sleep in three days a week and come in normal time the other two. We only have a lab period twice a week which is pretty much amazing.
2. AP US History
I had this teacher last year, only in an Honors course instead of an AP one. He's awesome. As much work as it's going to be, I love this class already. There is no REASON for me to like him. He's pretty much the same day after day... Lecture, reading, in class essay, fill out a chart, start over again. The monotony usually drives me mad. I'm way too... "in motion" for classes like this, in general. But this man's dry sense of humor and the fact that he seems to have an unending stream of knowledge makes me love this class and this teacher again this year... Except for the 50 ID cards I have due by sometime within the next two weeks.
3. AP Environmental Science
This is the class/lecture part of my AP science course. The teacher is fun-he tells stories [though too many, at times], he gives you enough time to finish the work, he realizes when things aren't going to get done. My older sister had him when she was a junior. Only thing, he isn't really teaching this class as an AP class, which means no AP credits for Jeni when the time comes to take the AP test. Oh well, so far, so good with class work, anyway.
4. AP Brit Lit
My summer reading project was sixteen pages long... It only HAD to be a page for each essay, and there were six, hence my paper could have been six pages. But me? Keep it short? Never. We finished Beowulf already and wrote a paper and took a test. I adore this teacher. She's so much fun. Made Beowulf interesting by making the class read aloud in British accents. Next up: Orthello.
5. Lunch
I have two groups of friends at lunch, neither of which know or hang out with each other. I switch back and forth.
6. Media Productions
I have this class with Gabby, and it's all right so far. It's a newer, revamped version of Radio and TV, but that also means that it's no longer a blowoff. We already have our groups for the first project, which is pretty much a tester with the cameras, and now that my group got changed, I'm very happy with how I have. Mark is good at doing the camera things, and Adam, Gabby, and I can act. It'll go over pretty well, I'd bet.
7. Algebra 2
The bane of my existence. I have the same lady I had last year, and even then, I couldn't take her. Today, I passed the period by doodling and such and not paying attention at all. It's not like she's going to teach me anything this year. Look how well geometry with her went.
8. Journalism II
Perfect way to end the day. Our school paper. I love the class. We haven't done too much for the first edition yet, but we're starting Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm excited.
Did I forget to mention that five of these classes are with Allie, who is my best friend? That's also exciting. So far, I'm really pretty excited for this year. With theatre, the paper, Be the Change club, recycling club [which I am a part of only out of obligation and love of a friend who started it], and Horizons [our school's literary magazine] this year should be busy and fun.
The problem?
Things at home are a bit...out of whack. Money wise. I hate money.
Just have to take one day at a time, I suppose. Sometimes it sucks not being able to know what's going to happen, doesn't it?
On a happier note, at my last show with Twende, we got our first ever blue ribbon! EVER. That is HUGE. I was so proud of him. He went from being a bucking race horse to my little-er, large hunter-jumper.
The weather here has been so muggy. Well, it was sunny for two or three days, and now it's raining a lot again. Typical Ohio weather for you.
Anyway, it's almost midnight, and I'm bushed.
1. AP Environmental Lab
Yes. A lab the VERY first thing in the morning. So far, we haven't done a thing,but the up side to this is that I get to sleep in three days a week and come in normal time the other two. We only have a lab period twice a week which is pretty much amazing.
2. AP US History
I had this teacher last year, only in an Honors course instead of an AP one. He's awesome. As much work as it's going to be, I love this class already. There is no REASON for me to like him. He's pretty much the same day after day... Lecture, reading, in class essay, fill out a chart, start over again. The monotony usually drives me mad. I'm way too... "in motion" for classes like this, in general. But this man's dry sense of humor and the fact that he seems to have an unending stream of knowledge makes me love this class and this teacher again this year... Except for the 50 ID cards I have due by sometime within the next two weeks.
3. AP Environmental Science
This is the class/lecture part of my AP science course. The teacher is fun-he tells stories [though too many, at times], he gives you enough time to finish the work, he realizes when things aren't going to get done. My older sister had him when she was a junior. Only thing, he isn't really teaching this class as an AP class, which means no AP credits for Jeni when the time comes to take the AP test. Oh well, so far, so good with class work, anyway.
4. AP Brit Lit
My summer reading project was sixteen pages long... It only HAD to be a page for each essay, and there were six, hence my paper could have been six pages. But me? Keep it short? Never. We finished Beowulf already and wrote a paper and took a test. I adore this teacher. She's so much fun. Made Beowulf interesting by making the class read aloud in British accents. Next up: Orthello.
5. Lunch
I have two groups of friends at lunch, neither of which know or hang out with each other. I switch back and forth.
6. Media Productions
I have this class with Gabby, and it's all right so far. It's a newer, revamped version of Radio and TV, but that also means that it's no longer a blowoff. We already have our groups for the first project, which is pretty much a tester with the cameras, and now that my group got changed, I'm very happy with how I have. Mark is good at doing the camera things, and Adam, Gabby, and I can act. It'll go over pretty well, I'd bet.
7. Algebra 2
The bane of my existence. I have the same lady I had last year, and even then, I couldn't take her. Today, I passed the period by doodling and such and not paying attention at all. It's not like she's going to teach me anything this year. Look how well geometry with her went.
8. Journalism II
Perfect way to end the day. Our school paper. I love the class. We haven't done too much for the first edition yet, but we're starting Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm excited.
Did I forget to mention that five of these classes are with Allie, who is my best friend? That's also exciting. So far, I'm really pretty excited for this year. With theatre, the paper, Be the Change club, recycling club [which I am a part of only out of obligation and love of a friend who started it], and Horizons [our school's literary magazine] this year should be busy and fun.
The problem?
Things at home are a bit...out of whack. Money wise. I hate money.
Just have to take one day at a time, I suppose. Sometimes it sucks not being able to know what's going to happen, doesn't it?
On a happier note, at my last show with Twende, we got our first ever blue ribbon! EVER. That is HUGE. I was so proud of him. He went from being a bucking race horse to my little-er, large hunter-jumper.
The weather here has been so muggy. Well, it was sunny for two or three days, and now it's raining a lot again. Typical Ohio weather for you.
Anyway, it's almost midnight, and I'm bushed.
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