Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why yes, I did steal this from someone....

Please, don't ask why, but I love filling these things out.

1. What's a commonly used nickname people call you by? Jeni

2. What's your favourite color? Purple

3. What's your favourite food? um... It would have to be... probably pizza. or salad...

4. Are you a squeamish person? needles...yes. Blood, not so much.

5. What's your favorite animal? Cats...and horses, of course.

6. Biggest pet peeve? Spelling errors in books.

7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Limited to one place? If I could, I would travel to pretty much everywhere.

8. Do you cry easily? Ugh. Too easily.

9. Do you generally have a good, loving family? Yeah

10. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No

11. Do you have many phobias? Not a lot...just needles.

12. Favourite genre of music? I listen to pretty much everything...except rap and r&b and pretty much stuff related to that.

13. Are you a trendsetter, a trend follower, or do you dress originally? I don't really set trends, but I don't really follow them either....

14. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? I made myself trip in soccer one time...because she wouldn't let us stop running, and I needed that two seconds of not doing it... rock cut me pretty badly on the knee and I got more time off than I originally intended.

15. Do you like school? This year... No.

16. Are you known to spend your money quickly? No.

17. What time is it right now? 6:44pm

18. Are you on the computer a lot? Too much.

19. Pet hermit crabs- a good thing or a bad thing? Considering my older brother somehow manged to lose two that we never found... No good.

20. Leftie or Righty? Can be both.

21. Do you have any scars/stretch marks, etc? Lots of scars from various stunts from childhood.

22. Do you have dull elbows or pointy elbows? People tell me I have pointy.

23. Timmies or Starbucks? I have never heard of Timmies, but anything is better than Starbucks.

24. Do you have any sleeping problems? It takes me forever to fall asleep. And I never sleep very well... Never soundly, always talking and moving around.

25. Are you a shy person? Not really... I just...don't like meeting new people. At all.

26. Are you a gift-giver? Um...Sure.

27. Warm or cold? Cold. I can get warm quicker then I can get cool again.

28. Do you like meeting new people? No. Never. Period. AWKWARD on my part.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Since When Are Weekends Supposed to be the Bane of My Existence?

Don't get me wrong, getting away from school for a whole two days is absolutely amazing, but for the past however many Saturdays, I have had to work. While I only work six to eight hour shifts, I either have the morning and early afternoon off, or from four on off. If I have to work on Saturday night, I go out with my friends on Friday... So why does Saturday just suck so much?

Because it's the weekend. It's a Saturday night... Sooner or later I will be fine with this habit of working, but, as of now, it pretty much puts a damper on my weekends. I spend Friday night thinking, "Woo-hoo! I don't have to work 'till tomorrow!" and then I spend all of my Saturday morning and afternoon dreading the fact that I have to go in.

Like now.

My shift starts in thirty-seven minutes, and I am not dressed, I have to drive there, get my stuff ready, drop by the bank and put the money I made last pay period into the bank.

Is a car really worth all of this? I find myself apsolutely dreading it all depends on who I'm working with. I love to work with my manager and this one other girl... Everyone else, though... I don't know. I'm already bad enough as it is around people without having to work and screw up around them in a six hour span. And working with people, my friends, is what I need to become much, much better at, or I'm never going to make it through life.

Excuse my random....selfpity? Nervousness? I don't know what to call it.

Anyway, I am now off to run the cash register for six hours.


Friday, September 14, 2007

The last two days have seemed to be extremely long, freakishly painful days. Not only have I run into the one person I would like to simply push out of my memory altogether a million times, classes and teachers and other people just upset me so much. Being around people is not a strong point of mine, and I need an escape every once in a while, just a moment or two by myself so that I can regroup and face them again. When I get stressed and I'm already tired of being around people, I get small anxiety attacks.
No fun.
Yesterday was just...terrible. I didn't sleep well, so I was tired when I got up, anyway. Allie and I went out to breakfast, and it did nothing but make me feel sick. When we finally got to school, first period, intro. to theatre, loomed over my head. There are only eleven people in the class, and I have it with Allie, but the teacher... She makes me so mad, for some reason. She has yet to differentiate between Allie and myself, and whenever she assigns parts, she's wave her hand between the two of us like...ugh, no good comparisons come to mind at the moment. Anyway, she knows that one of us is 'Jeni' and thinks that the other is 'Alex.' The way she talks to us and just is around us makes me feel like I did something to her, but that's just idiotic. *shrug*
Anyway, on past second to third period Geometry. All right, it's math. Painful enough as it gets, already. I don't understand it, and my teacher asks things like, "Do disinfectant wipes take out stains?" For the record, they don't. She had a kid try.
Fifth period, honors history. I love history, a lot, I adore it, for some reason. Learning about some guys from the 1800's is my favorite. But we had a test today that I had no time to study for, and I was freaking out about it yesterday.
Seventh period honors biology...oh. my. goodness. I want to bash my head into the desk. My teacher is so spastic and never gives out the same homework assignments to all the classes and then forgets he collected work, or doesn't grade it at all, he'll go off on something random, he'll say, "Oh NO! You only have twenty minutes left, better get started on your lab!" and will still be talking ten minutes later, he knows be by my last name ONLY, and I am one of five people in the class whose name he knows.
Ugh, moving on because there is way too much to say about him...
Spanish. The bane of my existence. I'm in my third and final year of it, but it is absolute hell already. We're doing a group project, and I got landed with two juniors I don't know. Well, neither of them will do any of the work, so I have to do it all. They won't contribute at all, and there is no way I'm going to take it if they get the same grade as I do. But that's fine... they still have no idea what grade I'm in, let alone my name. So, that's fun. heh. No, I have no idea what I'm doing, and they are no help at all.
And then I had to go to work for six hours and play random history things in my head so I would remember for today's test. The last half hour when by painstakingly slow, and then I got paid for my hours last week, went home, studied, and crashed.
Now that I type it up, it doesn't sound so terrible, but it was so incredibly frustrating and stressful.

Friday, September 7, 2007


People never cease to amaze me. Once you think they've said the stupidest thing they can, they surprise you again, making you doubt yourself. No one older than twelve-years-old should write a sentence that goes like this, "I think that way because I just do."... And that is all the further I dare to go. Too many really, really mean comments can come out, and I need to work on being nicer. (:

My bio lab group killed two daphnias [water flees] today. Well, one we killed...the other went missing, somehow... I'll let you figure out that one. It is quite the story, but it's long and I'm too lazy to type it up.

In other news, I was looking around on this quiz site because I was ridiculously bored, and if I had a penny for every "Seven Minutes in Heaven" quizzes I saw [with much, much worse grammar, I may add], I would be a very, very well off woman. I would be able to retire early.... And I also love how whenever I find a potential quiz that looks like it could be decent because its grammar does not consist of "u no, i no, we all no b4 them other people." Now that, "phrases" I saw that I just stuck together, just makes me cringe.... Anyway, whenever I find a maybe-decent quiz, and I take it... My results always come out so much differently than they should. *shakes head*
People fail. Lots.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Just for the record... Dial up SUCKS. Ugh! It is so slow, and it pays by the hour. Thank God those three days are over.
Now that I'm writing again, I would like to point out an event that we all should have been looking forward to has now passed us by-my first day as a working woman. *holds for gasps and claps*
Yes, my friends, that day came upon us yesterday evening at five until ten. Only once did I give out wrong change, and only three times did I lock up the stupiud register and have to call the manager back up. Yes, people, I did well... so says my boss. And now I get to go back, ugh, on Saturday.
*falls over*
Anyway, school is back in, and I think that I am finally falling back into the gist of things, even though there are two people I would transer schools if only I would never have to see them again.
And Mary, if you're reading this, I promise. (:

Time to think of potential food choices.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Random and Short

And so I return from my weekend away.

Nothing of interest to say about it, except the fact that my three-year-old cousin showed me how she could breast feed her doll. That was nothing short of interesting.

This kid walked up to my older sister and I when we were standing and talking on Sunday, and he says, "My friend is looking for a girlfriend. Do either of you have boyfriends?" I just sort of gave him this look, but my sister laughed and said, "How old are you?" "I'm fourteen." She laughed again and said, "Way too old, buddy. Go find someone else." "Well, how old are you?" "Twenty-one." "...Oh." He sort of gave me a hopeful look, but I just turned away. It was pretty funny.

Hmm.... What else? I have homework to do today that I put off all weekend, even though I had two, three-hour car rides to do it in. Procrastinator! But we already knew that.

I'm gone. *waves and skips away*