Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Hm, a particularly devious feeling has come over me in the last few days. I feel like I want to break out and just cause mayhem... Test things that are probably best left alone. But, alas, I am the quiet sixteen-year-old in the back of the room and no one cares. And I'm okay with that, surprisingly enough. Today, and the past few days, really, I have been testing my theory that Ryan is no longer speaking to me. The boy I used to shy away form because he caused me so much distress has been the one I traget these past few days, because, after Homecoming in which I actually slapped him to make him leave me alone, he hasn't even glanced in my direction. I have walked right in front of him, said hi, smiled, but he hasn't said a word or looked in my direction at all.

A change for the better, I must say.

Another person I have been taking this odd mood out on is Amanda... By testing another theory. We haven't spoken now for nearly eight months now, after she sent her "break-up letter," as Allie and I call it, and we are now sharing the same school. I see her a lot, but we never look at each other, and we never exchange words. I've stayed true to that and have just been...walking out in front of her a lot, to see if she'll say anything.

Yes, I am a dork and I do realize that. Just let me have my entertainment, please. =]

Spanish is pretty mcuh killing me, now, and I actually have to go in a few mornings a week to get help with it because I'm doing to horribly. That's life. I told my mom and all she said was, "I failed algebra once."

Hm... What else? I have to work on Halloween, which completely sucks, because I already had plans. But, on the up side, the Paramore concert is on Monday night, and I'm completely excited for that, even though the two mentioned above will be there. No worries, though, because, if my theories hold true, they won't say a word to me.

I've started helping my intructor to train on this one four-year-old Quarter Horse who is broke, but doesn't know how to do much. He's insane, but cute. Hard to ride, but fun because of the challenge. I'll bet you I'll get bucked off or something tomorrow. He tests me, like Twende used to, and I refuse to let him get away with it, so he's been getting mad at me.

Work is better, because now I know that the people I work with actually like me. They aren't a very affectionate group of people, but my aunt, who got me the job in the first place, was tlaking to them and they said, randomly, that they really liked to work with me, so that made my day. Another thing that really made my day was my English teacher, my friend Philip, and a girl in my English class all told me that they really liked my paper and the way it was written. [A new ending for The Scarlet Letter since the original is just so darn depressing]

But now I am off to go grab some food and go to bed to get ready to endure another day of school....and biology...which is the only class, ever, that I've ever wanted to cry during because I just don't get what he's saying, he's so spastic!



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