Monday, October 15, 2007

From Bio Class To Robin Hood

Okay, first off for something no one but me will understand. ^^ Because I'm cool like that.
He's too immature?? And because of that he isn't your type? Don't make me laugh. He's exactly your type, immaturity and all.
You're tired of losing people? Well, let's see whose fault that is... Oh, yeah. YOURS.
Yes, sweetie, I still stalk you through the forum because I like to know what's going on in your life, even if you hate me. =]
*/pointless laughing on my part because she was apparently "in love"*
Anyway, on to different stuff.
My horse is lame...AGAIN. The guy who can fix him is coming up on Thursday, and it's pretty inexpensive, but he's good at what he does, so all should be fine.
I think I actually may have NOT failed my third Spanish test...*crosses fingers, hopefully*
Somehow I'm passing biology... He can't read through all of what we write-he just can't. I have NO idea what I'm doing half the time.

So, over the weekend was the first play of the year. Allie and I helped pass out programs and were stage crew, so it was pretty fun.
Except that the man who runs construction crew [which we were also on] has his son, a freshman, come and help, so the kid was there all weekend. Allie and I have picked up YET another unwelcome fan... =\
Why? No idea. I am mean, and I admit it.

Robin Hood is MIA. It was supposed to start on the sixth, but it never came on...sadness. Hopefully it'll come around, sooner or later.
Off to work on the endless amounts of homework.

1 comment:

Kirstin said...

*blinks*That's a rather random rant. ^_^

Glad to know you're alive dearest! Yay for surviving first plays, I'm proud of you. Gold star! As for the fan...I have no idea what to say. Good luck? Don't kill him..yet?
