Monday, October 1, 2007

Life Goes On

Slow, fast...doesn't matter, it keeps passing by. Usually the opposite way that one would like it, but that's how life works.
I would simply like to point out to everyone that I, despite the popular beilef, am doing fairly well in Spanish this year. I finally have a good teacher, and I finally understand what is going on. She's a bit ditzy, but she's funny, nice, and makes you understand it. Makes sense that I don't get a good teacher till my third and final year, huh? Despite the D I got on my first test of the year [I spelled THREE words wrong, adding an extra 'i' to all of them, and it was only a few points] I have an B in the class and *gasp* all of my participation points in. Surprise, surprise.
And biology. Good Lord. I have no idea what I'm doing in there half the time, I never know what he's talking about, and I just got a low B on the quiz, btu you know what I have in that class? 102%. Now, I ask you, how the heck did that happen? No idea.
Intro to theatre... Oh man...that was supposed to be a blow off class, but Allie and I are so against that teacher that I'm barely scraping an A. Better shape up in there...
Geometry... Ugh. Just ugh. Math. Gotten Bs on all my quizes, and I currently have an 88% average. Not too bad, I guess.
But remember fireds, for all of these classes I have but a few things turned in. They'll either go up or down...hopefully the first.
Anyway, I'll edit this tomorrow.

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